Joseph Rossell
Contributing Writer

Joseph Rossell is a staff writer for the Media Research Center's Business division. He received his Master's in International Commerce & Policy in July, 2014, from George Mason University's School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs. He received his Bachelor's in Economics in January 2012, also from George Mason University.

Joseph Rossell | May 1, 2015

One socialist coalition is inadvertently relying on capitalism to protest just that.

The World Socialist Web Site and other groups sponsored the International May Day Online rally, which will feature live speeches…

Joseph Rossell | April 21, 2015

A liberal worth $15 million crusading against the wealthy with a documentary. Now that’s comedy gold.

It’s also exactly what British comedian and left-wing activist Russell Brand has done by making The Emperor’s New…

Joseph Rossell | April 9, 2015

Surprise! Millions of uninsured Americans could owe Uncle Sam extra this tax season because of Obamacare.

The IRS began penalizing tax filers this year if they failed to purchase insurance in 2014. Obamacare, formally…

Joseph Rossell | March 26, 2015

Many in the liberal news media again demonstrated their inability (or unwillingness) to identify communism when they see it.

Fast food restaurant Taco Bell “pulled out all the stops” with its new ad released March 24, according to The…

Joseph Rossell | March 26, 2015

Many in the liberal news media again demonstrated their inability (or unwillingness) to identify communism when they see it.

Fast food restaurant Taco Bell “pulled out all the stops” with its new ad released…

Joseph Rossell | March 23, 2015

Tax Day is rapidly approaching and most Americans say the federal tax system “should be completely changed.”

The Pew Research Center recently conducted a poll that found a majority of Americans supported “Congress…