Jeffrey Clark
Contributing Writer

Jeffrey Clark currently serves as a staff writer and researcher for the Media Research Center's Business Division. His work has been featured in the Daily Wire, RealClearPolicy, RealClearEnergy, the Climate Dispatch, and The Bongino Report. 

He graduated from the University of Iowa in 2019 with a dual degree in History and English literature. Immediately following graduation, he travelled to South Korea on a Fulbright scholarship where he served as an English Teaching Assistant from 2019-20. After completing his grant year, Jeff returned to Washington D.C. to serve as the sole speechwriter for the 53rd secretary of the interior, David L. Bernhardt. There, he edited and helped write op-eds that were published in various local, regional, and national publications, including the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Bloomberg Law.

In January 2021, he finished his service with the Trump Administration and was accepted for an additional year with the Fulbright program in South Korea, this time at the most academically rigorous high school in Chungcheongbuk Province. He was proud to volunteer with Liberty in North Korea, the Hana Foundation, and the U.S. Embassy during his time in South Korea. Jeffrey is a current resident and native of Fairfax County in Virginia.

Jeffrey Clark | July 25, 2022

The New York Times Editorial Board used an illustration of charred and blackened toast to argue — what else? — that climate change could toast the planet. 

“The threat posed by climate change to Americans’ lives and livelihoods is…

Jeffrey Clark | July 22, 2022

Republican lawmakers are finally standing their ground and fighting back against woke bureaucrats who leverage government power to make traditional energy more expensive, according to Fox Business. 

Public Enemy No. 1 in this battle…

Jeffrey Clark | July 21, 2022

One of the foremost opponents of woke Corporate America, Vivek Ramaswamy, joined conservative radio host Glenn Beck to smack down environmental, social and governance standards and emphasize the dangers they present to the American people.

Jeffrey Clark | July 20, 2022

Fox News exposed climate czar John Kerry’s over 300 metric tons of hypocrisy — and that’s just since the beginning of the Biden administration. But not one of the Big Three evening news shows gave the shocking report any coverage. 

Jeffrey Clark | July 19, 2022

The Washington Post mourned the legislative death of President Joe Biden’s climate-change plan after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) reportedly sunk the proposal in Congress. The Post responded by plastering its website with two nutty stories signaling…

Jeffrey Clark | July 18, 2022

Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted the environmental, social and governance movement that caused total economic collapse in Sri Lanka and is now popular with Corporate America. 

“ESG is the latest fad on Wall Street,” Carlson said…