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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | June 6, 2008

    In the 1960s, one of the key rallying points that led to the organization of the modern liberal movement was resistance to the military draft and the Vietnam War.


    But Jeremy Scahill, a…

Jeff Poor | June 6, 2008

      In early trading on June 6, the price of a barrel of oil rose $6 and was holding steady at near-record highs in excess of $133. According to CNBC contributor John Kilduff, a high-ranking Israeli official caused the…

Jeff Poor | June 5, 2008

     One of the major criticisms in the 2008 presidential election cycle has been about the media bias in favor of liberal Democratic Sen. Barack Obama. Former MSNBC show host Tucker Carlson, now the senior campaign…

Jeff Poor | June 5, 2008

     Early childhood vaccinations have often been the target of advocacy groups and the media, who have linked them to autism.

     But the June 4 “CBS Evening News” abandoned that philosophy and warned viewers that avoiding…

Jeff Poor | June 4, 2008

     Once again, the food police have showed an unrelenting inclination to attack any sort of food they deem unhealthy, using any means necessary to achieve their goals.


     This time…

Jeff Poor | June 4, 2008

      In May, the “CBS Evening News” blamed high gas prices for depriving little girls of access to public pools. Now it’s citing the rising cost of gas as the reason General Motors (GM) announced it will shut down three…