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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | August 1, 2008

     The U.S. economy has just barely flirted with a recession, yet one business columnist sounded the death knell for entrepreneurial capitalism on August 1.


     Pulitzer Prize-…

Jeff Poor | August 1, 2008

     The media have made a habit of reporting record oil company profits with disdain rather than perspective; bitterness rather than accuracy.


      That’s just how the July 31 “…

Jeff Poor | July 31, 2008

     Just a couple shorts months ago, the media were preaching a doom-and-gloom scenario about the economic downturn – feeling a need to illustrate various ways of economic hardship.

      BusinessWeek magazine even went as far as to…

Jeff Poor | July 31, 2008

     Al-Qaida poses a bigger threat to the United States today than it did on Sept. 11, 2001, and the only way to prevent more attacks is to spend money on non-military international aid, according a July 31 speech by one-time presidential…

Jeff Poor | July 31, 2008

     San Francisco isn’t a liberal bastion that is out of step with the rest of the country. That’s just all right-wing spin attempting to suppress any notion of the economic “fairness” of San Francisco, according to California Democratic…

Jeff Poor | July 30, 2008

     Labeling the current economic situation a “recession” has been premature, but common among the media, in recent months. But a new poll shows more and more economists are predicting recession will be averted.

     An article by John…