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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | August 29, 2008

     In an election where the economy is a top issue for voters, an endorsement from a respected financial journalist might be something to brag about. Not so fast, Democrats.



Jeff Poor | August 28, 2008

     High oil prices are hitting everyone, including hip-hop moguls forced to ground their private jets to save on fuel.

     After revealing on his video blog (contains profanity) that two round trips from Los Angeles to New York on…

Jeff Poor | August 28, 2008

     CNBC’s resident loose-cannon had been on a string of outstanding behavior. He criticized the government’s handling of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. He gave the media grief for overanalyzing the oil market fluctuations. And a year ago, he…

Jeff Poor | August 27, 2008

     A lot of times, the word “lobbyist” has a negative connotation. In fact, ABC’s August 26 “World News with Charles Gibson” used the word to smear a whole group of people without providing any facts to prove wrongdoing.…

Jeff Poor | August 26, 2008

     Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s two daughters, Malia, 9, and Sasha, 6, are big fans of Hannah Montana – and maybe there’s a reason why.

     Teen star Miley Cyrus, known as Hannah Montana in the Disney Channel…

Jeff Poor | August 26, 2008

     James Carville made a living as an attack dog for President Bill Clinton and liberal causes since 2000. But Carville switched to attacking his own party on CNN during coverage of the Democrat’s 2008 presidential convention.
