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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | October 3, 2008

     Fighting obesity with pork may not sound like the path to physical fitness – until you realize it isn’t “the other white meat,” but government spending.

    The “NBC Nightly News” on Oct. 2 praised Republican Oklahoma City Mayor…

Jeff Poor | October 2, 2008

     If the French are embracing your economic proposals – something must be wrong according to one overseas investor.


     That was what Hugh Hendry, the Scottish CIO of Eclectica Asset…

Jeff Poor | October 2, 2008

     If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. That must have been CNBC host Melissa Francis’ line of thinking when she described the so-called “tax extenders” included in the U.S. Senate’s bailout bill.


Jeff Poor | October 2, 2008

     Dozens of media reports have compared current economic conditions to the Great Depression. But the Oct. 1 broadcast of “CBS Evening News” didn’t just say there were similarities; it conjured up images of Depression-era…

Jeff Poor | October 1, 2008

     It’s rare, but occasionally a journalist actually questions over-the-top government spending.


     NBC chief Washington correspondent Norah O’Donnell took an inquisitive tone in an…

Jeff Poor | October 1, 2008

     Americans aren’t all on board for the government stepping in and saving the day with an expensive bailout/rescue bill – and that has some journalists scratching their heads.

