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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | October 27, 2008

     Even international newspapers are eager to acknowledge their support for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, confirming what many already knew about the media position on liberal economic policies.

     The lead…

Jeff Poor | October 27, 2008

     Although you might think otherwise given the wall-to-wall coverage of financial crisis in the midst of a presidential election, most people will probably be alright.



Jeff Poor | October 23, 2008

     Prostitution may be the world’s oldest profession, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it can “boost” a city’s economic growth.


     CNN “American Morning” legal analyst Sunny Hostin…

Jeff Poor | October 22, 2008

     If it could pass the “bovine test,” Standard…

Jeff Poor | October 22, 2008

      As the media continue their quest to assign blame for the present economic environment – mostly on the free market – some of the most overlooked culprits have been the major credit rating agencies.

     The media have mostly…

Jeff Poor | October 22, 2008

     If a controversial left-wing billionaire that finances a number of liberal advocacy groups doesn’t fully trust a Republican cabinet member – well, CNN will probably echo his criticism.

