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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | November 6, 2008

     Love him or hate, CNBC’s Jim Cramer brings an interesting perspective to the debate about the fragile U.S. economy.


     On Nov. 5 the host of CNBC’s “Mad Money” detailed for his…

Jeff Poor | November 5, 2008

     What’s in your wallet?  Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean would like to know.

     Dean and Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan were speakers at a luncheon at the National Press Club Nov. 5, where…

Jeff Poor | November 4, 2008

     It’s this type of political rhetoric that brings out the “Joe the Plumber” in all of us.

     Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., thinks it’s a “simplistic notion” for people who are successful in their bid to become wealthy to hold on to that…

Jeff Poor | November 3, 2008

     The revelation that Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama would bankrupt the coal industry “for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted,” has prompted harsh reaction from various pro-coal constituencies.…

Jeff Poor | October 31, 2008

     Based on media coverage, conventional wisdom suggests Wall Street would favor Republican Party candidates when donating to campaigns. But that’s not the case.


     According to the…

Jeff Poor | October 30, 2008

     There’s something a little creepy about historical figures being brought back to life to promote climate change alarmism, but the over-the-top environmentalists at Greenpeace have no qualms with using it as a tactic.