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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | August 18, 2010

One may think that someone as well connected as long-time Washington correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell might also connect the dots. After an unseasonably rough DC winter occurring right in the midst of the ClimateGate scandal, she…

Jeff Poor | August 17, 2010

Want to see a textbook example of how the left has tried to frame the debate against extending the Bush tax cuts? Take a look at Cenk Uygur, of “The Young Turks” fame, playing the class warfare/populism card.

On MSNBC’s Aug. 17…

Jeff Poor | August 12, 2010

The wisdom of Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart: defending the Bush tax cuts is only a useful gesture against President Barack Obama and not a serious policy position.

That sounds pretty weak at face value. But Stewart, or least his writers…

Jeff Poor | August 11, 2010

You can’t always get what you want and that appears to be a bitter pill for former Vice President Al Gore to swallow.

Gore, the leader of the global warming alarmism movement, told supporters during an Aug. 10 conference call that…

Jeff Poor | August 10, 2010

Want evidence that working at CNN can wear you down? Although this isn’t definitive, something has happened to network meteorologist Chad Myers.

Back on Dec. 18, 2008, Myers explained to viewers of CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” that he…

Jeff Poor | August 10, 2010

Surprise – the Federal Reserve announced it will keep the Fed funds rate between zero and 0.25 percent.


OK – it’s not really much of a surprise. However, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has responded to the slowing…