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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | July 8, 2009

There could be a potential “tax break” the no one in the news has really picked up on with this ailing economy – a big drop in the price of oil.  Although the media hype price increases, oil prices are dropping  and could be heading toward lows…

Jeff Poor | July 8, 2009

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me” That’s a saying once bungled by President George W. Bush, to the loud delight of the liberal media. But that same media should keep it in mind as Washington mulls a second round of…

Jeff Poor | July 7, 2009

TASS probably couldn’t have done it better. And NBC correspondent Jim Maceda seemed to be channeling Soviet Russia’s official state-run news agency in his glowing account of Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s heavy-handed dealings with some…

Jeff Poor | July 7, 2009

Guess what? Sitting down and eating a 6,200-calorie lunch is probably bad for you.


Somehow, this was news to ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson.” In a July 6 segment, “World News” took three items from a recent Center for…

Jeff Poor | July 6, 2009

It’s a question dodged by President Barack Obama in his healthcare town hall on June 24 – would his government-sponsored health care plan drive out private business?


Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., had no qualms about answering…

Jeff Poor | June 30, 2009

While many on the left are reveling in the downfall of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford after he disclosed his affair with a woman in Argentina, there’s a sympathetic figure being overlooked that might have the necessary background to fill the…