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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | December 9, 2009

In the Dec. 9 Washington Post, an op-ed appeared by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called on President Barack Obama to boycott the current Copenhagen climate summit in the wake of the “Climategate” e-mail leak.

“Without trustworthy…

Jeff Poor | December 7, 2009

Here’s yet another excellent example of how, when the government gets too involved in the  private sector, things don’t turn out so well.

On CNBC’s Dec. 7 “Street Signs,” host Erin Burnett asked “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer what he…

Jeff Poor | December 3, 2009

The seemingly creepy fixation some MSNBC on-air personalities have with Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann just continues to persist on the cable network.


The latest installment involves MSNBC’s “Ed Show” host Ed…

Jeff Poor | November 25, 2009

According to Don Imus, it’s the late-1970s all over again, and not in a good way.

Imus appeared on the Fox News Channel’s Nov. 24 “Hannity” program and had some disparaging words for the current administration’s economic policy. He told…

Jeff Poor | November 23, 2009

Last week more 1,000 e-mails were leaked showing that climate change alarmists had colluded to exaggerate the threat of anthropogenic global warming. Media coverage has been scattershot, but Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., noticed.


Jeff Poor | November 20, 2009

Now that former CNN host Lou Dobbs has been freed of his duties with his former network, he has been making the rounds on other networks – Fox News “The O’Reilly Factor,” Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” and now with his long-time rival’s show…