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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | July 30, 2007

     Is the media pushing the “credit crunch” as a catalyst for the recent decline in the stock market?


     It seems the media know why the stock market is down. Some journalists are…

Jeff Poor | July 30, 2007

     Bottled water has been attacked recently for environmental damage, but now Aquafina’s bottler, PepsiCo is under fire for not previously disclosing the source of its water.



Jeff Poor | July 27, 2007

     Michael Moore is attempting to circumvent the free market system of health care by urging people to threaten health care professionals and insurance companies.


     In a July 26…

Jeff Poor | July 27, 2007

     A few bad apples ruin the whole apple grove. That’s the premise the media are operating from these days.


     But an alignment of the stars with scandals in the three major American…

Jeff Poor | July 27, 2007

     Don’t cash in your stocks just yet.


     While “NBC Nightly News” and “CBS Evening News” presented a bleak outlook for viewers on July 26, some experts were less worried. It’s…

Jeff Poor | July 26, 2007

     Having trouble losing weight? According to several news outlets, the trouble may be your friends.


     “Keep your heavier friends close, but your thinner enemies closer,” said CBS…