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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | October 5, 2007

     Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told a group at the 2007 Society of Professional Journalists Convention & National Journalism Conference held in Washington, D.C., on October 4 one of the things that made the SPJ great is…

Jeff Poor | October 4, 2007

     Blackwater USA, now one of the media’s favorite targets, can’t seem to get any credit even when something goes right.

     The company, once described as “an entirely new type of war profiteer” by CNBC contributor Jon Markman,…

Jeff Poor | October 3, 2007

     Private security firm Blackwater USA drew fire from the evening news on October 2, including remarks that the firm is made up of “out-of-control guns for hire.”

     Private security firm…

Jeff Poor | October 3, 2007

     Slanting media coverage toward promoting the “fight global warming” cause wasn’t enough for Newsweek editor Sharon Begley. Now she has brazenly dismissed global warming skeptics as unreasonable lunatics.


Jeff Poor | October 2, 2007

     When the mainstream media praise free market values, it deserves attention.


     But that’s exactly what ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” did on October 1 in a segment about…

Jeff Poor | October 2, 2007

     It’s better to give than receive, unless you’re a Republican presidential candidate and then by default you’re doing it for some ulterior motive – at least according to CBS.

