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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | January 14, 2008

     Some think it is a foregone conclusion the economy is in or will be going into a recession within the first two quarters of 2008, but not everyone.

     Welch, author of “Winning,” appeared on MSNBC’s January 14 “Morning Joe” to…

Jeff Poor | January 11, 2008

     The old cliché “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” might be appropriate for a lot of situations, especially when you’re borrowing against what is your most valuable asset – your home.


Jeff Poor | January 10, 2008

     Nearly seven years out office, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright pulls no punches bashing the Bush administration’s handling of certain issues – calling it one of America’s “worst presidencies.”

     Albright gave…

Jeff Poor | January 10, 2008

      The perception of the American economy – that is, the dark cloud cast by the media – has been difficult to overcome, even so much that it has infected pop culture.

     CNBC’s “Closing Bell” host Maria Bartiromo crossed the picket…

Jeff Poor | January 10, 2008

     There are mixed views on the economy – some say we’ll avert a recession, some say we’re destined for a recession and some say we’re already in a recession. Despite that uncertainty, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama suggested…

Jeff Poor | January 9, 2008

     If there was ever a doubt that the mainstream media sometime emphasize the worst even when there is positive news, this should clear that up.

     Bloomberg TV anchor Deirdre Bolton appeared on CBS’s January 9 “The Early Show” to…