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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | March 14, 2008

     It is one thing to rob Peter to pay Paul, but doing it for the sake of government tax revenue defies common sense.

     CBS’s March 14 “The Early Show” had yet another downbeat story about the troubled housing market. This time…

Jeff Poor | March 14, 2008

     Many economists warn of tough economic times, but former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich doesn’t just warn of a “recession,” he warns of a “depression.”

     “I think there’s a 20 percent chance of a depression,” Reich said to…

Jeff Poor | March 14, 2008

     Usually the Bush administration is criticized for abuses of executive power. This time the media and Democrats in Congress are after the administration for not using its authority enough.

     A report on the March 13 “CBS Evening…

Jeff Poor | March 14, 2008

     Think the public is getting too much global warming from the media? Andrew Revkin, the environmental reporter for The New York Times, doesn’t think you’re getting enough.

     Revkin spoke in Newark, Del., on March 12 for the…

Jeff Poor | March 14, 2008

     A carbon emission-free energy source sounds like a grand idea, assuming it can compete at least somewhat with other sources of energy. When it costs four times as much, however, you’ve got a problem.

     NBC Chief Environmental…

Jeff Poor | March 12, 2008

     North Korea poses a potential deadly threat to the United States, according to former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton. Bolton told an audience on March 11 that North Korea would sell nuclear technology to terrorist organizations, specifically…