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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | April 19, 2008

     Despite outcry from veterans and supporters of the military over the cover of Time’s April 21 issue, a spokesman for the magazine insists editors did nothing wrong.

     The Business…

Jeff Poor | April 18, 2008

     Another network newscast and guess what – something else to be afraid of.


     This time, it’s a “turf war.” ABC’s April 17 “World News with Charles Gibson” took a look at dangers…

Jeff Poor | April 18, 2008

     For only the second time in 85 years, Time magazine abandoned the traditional red border it uses on its cover. The occasion – to push more global warming alarmism.

     The cover of the April 21 issue of Time took the famous Iwo…

Jeff Poor | April 16, 2008

     For the second night in a row, ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” said everything was bad and nothing good about an airline merger.


     On the day the CEOs from Delta Air Lines…

Jeff Poor | April 16, 2008

     One man’s pork spending is another’s “relative bargain.” That’s how a CBS reporter views it.

     The April 15 “CBS Evening News” observed Tax Day by exploring how federal tax dollars are spent, but what they chose to highlight was…

Jeff Poor | April 16, 2008

     The only presidential candidate with an economic plan that even remotely resembles a pro-growth, low taxation platform just can’t escape populist scrutiny from the media.

     GOP presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain’s path to…