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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | May 13, 2008

      The Father of Capitalism, Adam Smith, is probably turning over in his grave as we speak.


     The day after the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz…

Jeff Poor | May 13, 2008

      Global warming alarmists have frequently attributed extreme weather incidents to manmade global warming, but an NBC meteorologist burst “Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams’s bubble May 12 when he said recent tornadoes are…

Jeff Poor | May 12, 2008

     Is the food industry trying to pull a fast one on you? According to the “CBS Evening News,” they are. The May 11 broadcast featured a segment suggesting there might be a hidden threat grocery stores don’t want the public to know about.…

Jeff Poor | May 12, 2008

     The headline for the poll may as well have read “Vote Yes to Save PBS,” but the editors at Parade magazine didn’t go quite that far.


      A poll on Parade’s Web site posted on…

Jeff Poor | May 12, 2008

     Using tragedy to advance an agenda has been a strategy for many global warming activists, and it was just a matter of time before someone found a way to tie the recent Myanmar cyclone to global warming.


Jeff Poor | May 9, 2008

     Professional journalism ethics suggest reporters should avoid conflicts of interest and, well, be accurate. Maybe Mortimer Zuckerman didn’t get that memo. Zuckerman said he couldn’t make political contributions – when he’…