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Edward Schatz
Edward Schatz | March 5, 2009

It’s a bad time to be taking a “business” trip to a luxurious retreat in a warm climate. Especially if you’re doing it on someone else’s dime. If the networks find out, they’ll sneak hidden cameras in and report every detail of your lavish…

Edward Schatz | February 25, 2009

What a crime! A profitable company honors a contract and spends its own money to host events for clients – the audacity!

Taking a page from ABC’s AIG hit job, NBC’s “Today Show” on Feb. 25 took a cheap shot at Northern Trust Bank for the…

Edward Schatz | February 16, 2009

In case you were unaware, soft drinks may be hazardous to your teeth.

ABC’s Diane Sawyer made that abundantly clear in a report during the Feb. 13 “20/20. The report was the product of two years investigating the poverty and adversity faced…

Edward Schatz | February 12, 2009

Occasionally, the news media provides justice for a wronged industry or company.

That’s what correspondent Mark Strassmann’s story did on the Feb. 11 “CBS Evening News.” He exposed the repercussions of the recent…