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Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D.
Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 12, 2009

Editor, The Washington Times

Dear Editor:

Joseph P. Carrigan is understandably disturbed that President-elect Obama predicts doom if a new "stimulus" plan isn't enacted (Letters, January 11). Alas, Mr. Obama is simply following…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 5, 2009

Editor, Chicago Tribune

Dear Editor:

President-elect Obama prescribes fiscal stimulus as the cure for America's ailing economy ("Obama urges Congress to approve economic recovery plan quickly, support bold investment," Jan. 3…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | January 2, 2009

Editor, The Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street

New York, NY 10281

To the Editor:

Your case against the F.T.C.'s opposition to Whole Foods' merger with Wild Oats is 100 percent economically wholesome ("Whole…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | December 29, 2008

Editor, The New York Times

229 West 43rd St.

New York, NY 10036

To the Editor:

Like many people, Ben Stein was assured that Bernard Madoff "never lost money" ("They Told Me That Madoff Never Lost Money," Dec. 28…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | December 22, 2008
21 December 2008 Editor, The New York Times 229 West 43rd St. New York, NY 10036   To the Editor:

You report that more companies are reducing their contributions to employees' 401(k) retirement accounts, saying that this "move will hurt…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | December 18, 2008

Editor, The New York Times

229 West 43rd St.

New York, NY 10036

To the Editor:

Bravo for Roger Cohen's explanation that market economies work by creating new firms, new products, new processes – and that these…