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Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy | December 1, 2010

You'd think it impossible, but many members of the media appear as stubbornly clueless as is the president about the message of the mid-terms.

On Sunday's 'Meet the Press,' David Gregory stated that Obama has the left disappointed, the…

Dan Kennedy | November 24, 2010

Dear Mr. Buffett. Thank you for your suggestion that everyone who earns over

$1 million a year patriotically pony up and get taxed a lot more than we already are. Your free advice so generously given should not pass without grateful…

Dan Kennedy | November 10, 2010

Only a royal king and queen would use an entire fleet of aircraft to take a couple thousand people (!) from their royal court and elite circle of friends on a week-long holiday to distant India. Back home, there is deep recession immune to the…

Dan Kennedy | November 4, 2010

By my schedule necessities, I’m writing this on Sunday, right before election night knowing you’ll see it afterwards. And if I’m going to give you old news, I might as well make it really old:

“Designed especially for city and suburban…

Dan Kennedy | October 27, 2010

I have just returned from a week in London. The food was gray, weather grayer, and their economy bleak, dark and foreboding.

Their coalition government’s hastily cobbled together “austerity program” became a big U.S. news item while I was…

Dan Kennedy | October 20, 2010

Many people fear that ObamaCare will necessitate rationing, to curb consumption and cap costs. But an even better bending of the cost curve would be to eliminate care altogether.

As it is obvious there’ll be less turf, turf battles have…