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Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy | September 12, 2011

The pundit universe was afire this past week over Gov. Perry's characterizing Social Security as a Ponzi scheme, one of the oldest forms of financial fraud, well-defined.

The Boston Globe, in its review of a book titled 'The Looting of…

Dan Kennedy | September 2, 2011

Sad to say, this isn't shocking news. The pesident's first official, post-vacation act on Monday was nominating Alan Krueger, a Princeton academic, to head his council of economic advisers (a herd of other academics.)

And who wouldn't? It…

Dan Kennedy | August 26, 2011

Here are two under-reported, outrageous news stories. One a general story, one a business story - both are very bad news of the same kind. The first should anger you, the second should scare you.

The U.S.D.A. is, this school year, running…

Dan Kennedy | August 19, 2011

This past week President Obama unveiled his two best ideas for ending our economic crisis and unleashing a job creation tsunami. Apparently he has been keeping these powerful plans in reserve, waiting until they were most needed. In case you…

Dan Kennedy | August 15, 2011

On Sunday, August 7's "Meet the Press," of everybody at the table, only Alan Greenspan came close to truth, and host David Gregory quickly moved the conversation away from it.

The pre- and post-debt ceiling debacle argument about economic…

Dan Kennedy | August 4, 2011

In a letter to the editor, published in the Northern Wyoming Daily News, Bruce L. Hargraves, USN Retired, wrote: "I object and take exception to everyone saying that Obama and Congress are spending money like a drunken sailor. As a former drunken…