Dan Gainor
Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center

Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow and Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center. He has worked for the MRC for 16 years and writes a regular weekly column for FoxNews.com about media bias. He has appeared on several thousand radio and TV shows on nearly all major networks — Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, CNNHLN, CNBC, ABC, NBC, PBS and many more — to discuss biased news media. Mr. Gainor holds an MBA from the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business and a master’s in publications design from the University of Baltimore. As an undergraduate, he majored in political science and history at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Dan Gainor | November 1, 2006

     Watching TV can be torture. This close to the election, it’s even worse thanks to TV news.

     For more than a year, the networks told us almost every bit of good economic news was somehow bad. Now that they feel they have…

Dan Gainor | October 31, 2006

     KFC announced it is cutting the trans fats from much of its menu, and the media celebrated not chewing the fat as “another giant step in the movement to make America’s food healthier.”


Dan Gainor | October 24, 2006

    It took 31 years, but Newsweek magazine admitted it was incorrect about climate change. In a nearly 1,000-word correction, Senior Editor Jerry Adler finally agreed that a 1975 piece on global cooling “was so spectacularly wrong…

Dan Gainor | October 11, 2006

See Full Report

 Polls have repeatedly shown a public dissatisfied with the economy under President Bush. A January 2006 Pew Research Center survey said 64 percent of those questioned thought economic conditions were fair or poor – and…

Dan Gainor | October 11, 2006

See Executive Summary

Tune into the network news shows any time during the last year and you'd likely find reporters warning about 'an economy just a bit off-key' or even a 'recession.' The U.S. economy has been depicted as one major…
Dan Gainor | October 4, 2006

     No matter how the economy is doing, the word 'recession' never seems too far away. CBS began the year with talk of a recession and similar discussion has cropped on up ABC and CNN throughout 2006 and even going back to…