Dan Gainor
Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center

Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow and Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center. He has worked for the MRC for 16 years and writes a regular weekly column for FoxNews.com about media bias. He has appeared on several thousand radio and TV shows on nearly all major networks — Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, CNNHLN, CNBC, ABC, NBC, PBS and many more — to discuss biased news media. Mr. Gainor holds an MBA from the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business and a master’s in publications design from the University of Baltimore. As an undergraduate, he majored in political science and history at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Dan Gainor | April 10, 2007

     In real estate, it’s “location, location, location.” Newsweek magazine’s April 16 issues show location also is a factor in what the media tell you about global warming. M.I.T. Prof. Richard Lindzen’s column poking holes in global warming…

Dan Gainor | April 10, 2007

     You say tomato. CNN says paying more for that tomato is doing the “right thing.”

     At least the April 10 “American Morning” team treated McDonald’s OK in their report about the fast food giant agreeing to pay 1 cent more per pound…

Dan Gainor | April 9, 2007

     Vanity Fair wants to doom conservatives and businesses to the many layers of Dante’s hell for daring to question global warming dogma.

     The two-page “Dante’s Inferno: Green Edition” was part of Vanity Fair’s full-issue attack…

Dan Gainor | April 9, 2007

     Who needs Nostradamus when you have CNN’s “American Morning"? Instead of waiting for someone to complain about a big executive payday, the April 9 show’s team whined about its own pay and predicted the AFL-CIO would chime…

Dan Gainor | April 6, 2007

     Time is money. Those words took on special meaning when Time magazine gave its readers “51 Things You Can Do to Make a Difference” and stop global warming.

     Some recommendations were enough to line pockets around the globe,…

Dan Gainor | April 5, 2007

     Time has a case of bad boss syndrome. Just like the dreaded Bill Lumbergh in “Office Space,” Time wants to tell workers, and bosses too, how to run their businesses, their computers and maybe even where to move their desks or take their…