Dan Gainor
Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center

Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow and Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center. He has worked for the MRC for 16 years and writes a regular weekly column for FoxNews.com about media bias. He has appeared on several thousand radio and TV shows on nearly all major networks — Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, CNNHLN, CNBC, ABC, NBC, PBS and many more — to discuss biased news media. Mr. Gainor holds an MBA from the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business and a master’s in publications design from the University of Baltimore. As an undergraduate, he majored in political science and history at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Dan Gainor | July 25, 2007

     You can never be too thin or too rich.

     That’s always been the case – until the mainstream media started counting. They like us all Hollywood-thin, but like our wallets that way as well.

     Journalists set almost…

Dan Gainor | July 18, 2007

     The well is about to run dry.

     That’s what the International Energy Agency said in early July. According to the Financial Times, “oil looks extremely tight in five years time.”

     Why wait five years? Oil looks…

Dan Gainor | July 11, 2007

     Say the word “Fark” and you either get knowing smirks or people think you are cursing. Geeks like myself might even make the connection with the expletive “frack” or “frak” from the two “Battlestar Galactica” TV shows.


Dan Gainor | July 11, 2007

   Drew Curtis, founder of www.Fark.com, was kind enough to answer some questions from the Business…

Dan Gainor | June 21, 2007

     Pity the poor Wall Street Journal staffer. The union is battling the Bancroft family that currently owns the paper. Then News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch made a big bid for the firm and Journal reporters and editors didn’t…

Dan Gainor | June 20, 2007

     Go green young man.

     A twist on Horace Greeley’s famous advice is growing from a suggestion into a media mandate. Everywhere, they tell us, America and the world are “going green.”

     It’s more than just a buzzword…