Dan Gainor
Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center

Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow and Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center. He has worked for the MRC for 16 years and writes a regular weekly column for FoxNews.com about media bias. He has appeared on several thousand radio and TV shows on nearly all major networks — Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, CNNHLN, CNBC, ABC, NBC, PBS and many more — to discuss biased news media. Mr. Gainor holds an MBA from the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business and a master’s in publications design from the University of Baltimore. As an undergraduate, he majored in political science and history at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Dan Gainor | July 15, 2009

Say the words “just a bill” and our TV civics lesson takes hold. Without realizing it, millions of Americans would instantly start humming a Schoolhouse Rock song entitled “I’m Just a Bill.”

The song is cartoon version of how a bill…

Dan Gainor | July 8, 2009

Nearly 200 years ago, emperor Napoleon came back from exile and re-conquered France without firing a shot. His conquest of Europe failed when Napoleon, in proper English terms, was soundly thrashed at Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington.

Dan Gainor | July 1, 2009

Fire fighters are the solution to your problems. They put out fires, rescue children, and, in their spare time, help end injustice.

All in a day’s work for men and women who spend their careers running toward danger, not from it. But…

Dan Gainor | June 24, 2009

With apologies to Janet Jackson, America’s rhythm nation is so 1989. Now it’s an Indoctri-nation. The mainstream media don’t tell us what’s going on; they tell us what to think. Today’s example is nationalized health care. It will be the topic…

Dan Gainor | June 16, 2009

You’re a hater.

Face it. You wouldn’t even be reading this right-wing, reactionary claptrap if you weren’t. After all, I’m a hater as well. So are countless conservatives from Sean Hannity to Rush Limbaugh. Ann Coulter? Was that a…

Dan Gainor | June 10, 2009

In “Fiddler on the Roof,” the hero Tevye sang of how he wished he were wealthy. “If I Were a Rich Man” became a Broadway and movie favorite as a catchy tune and even catchier sentiment. As the struggling Russian peasant explained, “It’s no shame…