Dan Gainor
Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center

Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow and Vice President for Free Speech America and Business for the Media Research Center. He has worked for the MRC for 16 years and writes a regular weekly column for FoxNews.com about media bias. He has appeared on several thousand radio and TV shows on nearly all major networks — Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, CNNHLN, CNBC, ABC, NBC, PBS and many more — to discuss biased news media. Mr. Gainor holds an MBA from the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business and a master’s in publications design from the University of Baltimore. As an undergraduate, he majored in political science and history at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Dan Gainor | November 10, 2010

To paraphrase a famous movie line, the liberals are revolting.

Only, this time it isn’t a joke. They apparently mean it.

We’ve suffered through years of lefty calls for violence, claims the government was somehow “fascist” and led…

Dan Gainor | November 4, 2010

Congratulations to the GOP, which just trounced both Democrats and liberal journalists alike.

There’s only one hitch: Somebody hit the reset button and everything started over again like the movie “Groundhog Day.” The campaign for 2012…

Dan Gainor | November 3, 2010

SidebarsFire and Ice: Executive SummaryU.S. Funds Nearly $4 Billion in Climate-Change ResearchThe Times Warms to CoolingAl Gore: Still Hot for Global WarmingClimate Change: Unpredictable Results

      It was five years before the turn of…

Dan Gainor | November 3, 2010

SidebarsFire and Ice:  Full ReportU.S. Funds Nearly $4 Billion in Climate-Change ResearchThe Times Warms to CoolingAl Gore: Still Hot for Global WarmingClimate Change: Unpredictable Results

    Thanks to the release of Al Gore’s latest…

Dan Gainor | October 27, 2010

Spinning the Numbers When Conservatives in Charge: During the year leading up to the 2005-06 mid-term elections, the economy was strong and unemployment never went above 5 percent. That wasn’t how the media reported it. Negative reports and…

Dan Gainor | October 20, 2010

Elections bring out the best and worst in politics. For the left, looking ahead at the possible loss of both houses of Congress, they’ve gone from the best of times to the worst of times in record time. The Democratic Election Attackers/Defenders…