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Craig Bannister
Contributing Writer

Craig Bannister is an blog editor for

Craig Bannister | November 12, 2021

Two-thirds of U.S. adults don’t trust Big Tech and three-fourths say Facebook, in particular, makes American society worse, a new CNN poll finds.

The national survey of 1,004 adults (18 and over), conducted November 1-4, 2021 by SSRS,…

Craig Bannister | July 21, 2021

Regardless of political party or platform, governments and social media giants cannot be trusted to decide what’s true or false or what speech should be allowed, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) warns.

Last Thursday, White House…

Craig Bannister | June 18, 2021

On Thursday, a coalition of 26 conservative organizations and activists released a letter to Congress, warning that antitrust bills targeting Big Tech platforms being pushed by Democrats “would give unelected Biden bureaucrats sweeping new power…

Craig Bannister | May 25, 2021

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who in 2019 retweeted a post by actor Tom Arnold justifying a brutal attack that left Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) with five broken ribs in 2017, has yet to tweet about this week’s anonymous threat to “finish” the job Paul’s…

Craig Bannister | May 10, 2021

“These companies have too much power,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) said Monday, calling for Congress to break the stranglehold giant platforms like Facebook and Twitter have on social media freedom of speech.

Powerful social media…

Craig Bannister | May 7, 2021

“Do the operators of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter edit their content in a fair and balanced way, or are they politically biased in the decisions they make?”

Nationally, 59% of likely U.S. Voters say operators at social…