Corinne Weaver
Assistant Editor

Corinne Weaver formerly worked as an Assistant Editor for the Media Research Center. Her coverage on tech censorship, media bias, and pro-life issues have been cited by many in the conservative movement. Corinne’s work has been featured in Fox News, The Guardian, LifeSiteNews, Live Action, LifeNews, and The Federalist. Before her current position, Corinne graduated from Christendom College with bachelor’s degrees in English and History.

Corinne Weaver | August 27, 2018

On social media, hate speech will be swiftly removed. Unless the victim is perceived to be on the wrong side of the conversation.

Conservative commentator, radio host, and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch tweeted a screenshot of a comment she…

Corinne Weaver | August 16, 2018

In its aim to be politically correct, Facebook has determined that criticizing an accused terrorist counts as hate speech.

According to Brigitte Gabriel, founder of Act for America, Facebook suspended her personal page for posting a…

Corinne Weaver | August 14, 2018

In its overzealous policing of thought, Twitter has now picked a side on war and peace, apparently.

On August 13’s episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Peter Van Buren, a former State Department employee, told Carlson that he was…

Corinne Weaver | August 13, 2018

The media thinks that the biggest problem with social media sites is that they aren’t doing enough to spread liberal propaganda and squelch conservative thought.

In a piece by the New York Times on Tuesday, Cecilia Kang wrote…

Corinne Weaver | August 9, 2018

YouTube has decided that its viewers and content creators are only allowed to believe what they decide is right — especially when it comes to climate change.

As reported by BuzzFeed, the video platform has begun “combating…

Corinne Weaver | August 7, 2018

In the running war against freedom of speech, tech companies have started to take down extremist content.

Infowars and Alex Jones were banned from at least Facebook, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and Spotify. They were not banned for conspiracy…