Corinne Weaver
Assistant Editor

Corinne Weaver formerly worked as an Assistant Editor for the Media Research Center. Her coverage on tech censorship, media bias, and pro-life issues have been cited by many in the conservative movement. Corinne’s work has been featured in Fox News, The Guardian, LifeSiteNews, Live Action, LifeNews, and The Federalist. Before her current position, Corinne graduated from Christendom College with bachelor’s degrees in English and History.

Corinne Weaver | May 13, 2019

Google’s methods of curating news involves infusing a heavy dose of liberal ideology. That’s not just the opinion of conservatives, it’s the opinion of a top journalism publication.

A study done by the Columbia…

Corinne Weaver | May 10, 2019

Facebook banned Rev. Louis Farrakhan for his rampant anti-Semitism. So how come the video of him speaking about “Satanic Jews” is still live on the platform?

The leader of the Nation of Islam spoke in front of an audience at…

Corinne Weaver | May 10, 2019

Twitter announced in January that the platform “amplifies the counter narrative” whenever President Trump tweets.

On May 9, evidence of that policy surfaced. The Democratic Coalition, a left-wing group headed by Resistance…

Corinne Weaver | May 9, 2019

A former Facebook executive is interested in seeing Facebook get chopped into pieces.

An op-ed written by Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes in the New York Times expressed a resolve to “break up Facebook.” In the lengthy…

Corinne Weaver | May 9, 2019

The front page of the internet wants to fight evil. But is it actually evil?

Reddit is opening a new office in Ireland, and looking to recruit an “Anti-Evil” moderator to take down content that breaks the rules. Job…

Corinne Weaver | May 8, 2019

Is it possible for someone to be banned more than once in a week? The answer, according to Twitter, is yes.

Conservative pundit and prolific author David Horowitz was suspended from Twitter in April, but appealed and was back online on…