Corinne Weaver
Assistant Editor

Corinne Weaver formerly worked as an Assistant Editor for the Media Research Center. Her coverage on tech censorship, media bias, and pro-life issues have been cited by many in the conservative movement. Corinne’s work has been featured in Fox News, The Guardian, LifeSiteNews, Live Action, LifeNews, and The Federalist. Before her current position, Corinne graduated from Christendom College with bachelor’s degrees in English and History.

Corinne Weaver | September 5, 2019

Twitter has taken a side in favor of the killing of the unborn.

David Daleiden, the undercover journalist for the Center for Medical Progress, reported that the organization had 19 tweets blocked on Twitter, at the advice of Planned…

Corinne Weaver | September 4, 2019

Another member of the intellectual dark web has jumped into the world of tech development to circumvent censorship.

Dave Rubin, host of the popular podcast and YouTube show The Rubin Report, announced on September 3 that he was launching…

Corinne Weaver | September 4, 2019

Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s campaign would like to stop all fake news … except for the disinformation that Beto himself brings to the table. 

The campaign got angry after a rumor was spread on…

Corinne Weaver | September 4, 2019

Censorship is in direct opposition to the ideal of free speech and  the First Amendment. However, it seems to be a priority for those who espouse a liberal ideology, as shown by a new study from Marietta College. 

The research…

Corinne Weaver | September 3, 2019

Facebook chose a side in the abortion debate and is actively working to suppress pro-life content. 

Live Action, a pro-life nonprofit organization run by activist Lila Rose, was notified August 30 that two of the company’s…

Corinne Weaver | August 30, 2019

Big Tech is being summoned by the Federal Election Commission to answer what it is doing to stop digital misinformation before the 2020 elections. 

FEC Chairwoman Ellen Weintraub sent out personal invitations to the heads of Facebook…