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Charles Simpson
Charles Simpson | December 12, 2011

As good neighbors, private charities, and government agencies rushed to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina, CNNs Lou Dobbs and Lisa Sylvester offered their own charitable assistance to labor unions and…

Charles Simpson | December 12, 2011

Finally, the discussion about Hurricane Katrinas aftermath has turned to the Mississippi coast. Since the advent of the storm, devastated Mississippi communities have received sparse coverage compared to…

Charles Simpson | December 12, 2011

     If there were a Saffir-Simpson scale for newscasts, CNNs Lou Dobbs Tonight would have been downgraded long ago from news to rant. A September 20 report on the Labor Departments suspension of…

Charles Simpson | June 23, 2006

     Leave it to The New York Times to describe a Supreme Court ruling that will impose numerous costs on small businesses as “employee-friendly.”

     In a June 23 article, Times reporter Linda Greenhouse praised a unanimous Supreme…

Charles Simpson | February 23, 2006
     Its turn-back-the-clock day in the mainstream media and on Capitol Hill. While polyester and Depeche Mode are far from the rage in Congressional chambers and newsrooms, an overzealous fear of foreign…
Charles Simpson | February 14, 2006
     The New York Times has long made a habit of airing its disdain for big cuts in domestic spending and soaring profits at major oil companies. However, Edmund Andrews chose to reinvent the wheel by…