Catherine Salgado
Contributing Writer/Contractor

Catherine Salgado is a Contributing Writer and former Staff Writer/Researcher with MRC Free Speech America. She also has a column, Washington's Bayonette, on The Rogue Review and her own SubStack newsletter, Pro Deo et Libertate. Catherine previously wrote for The National Pulse and is a graduate of Christendom College with a degree in Classical Languages and Theology. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review.

Catherine Salgado | July 7, 2022

Following pressure from Democratic Party lawmakers and the liberal media, Google announced that it would make a new exception for retaining users’ location history—users visiting abortion clinics.

After the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs v.…

Catherine Salgado | July 6, 2022

New York is trying to shoot down two constitutional rights at once. A new law in New York requires gun permit applicants to provide three years’ worth of social media information before obtaining a concealed carry gun permit.

The New York…

Catherine Salgado | July 5, 2022

Psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson doubled down on his refusal to bend to Twitter’s woke demands to have his account unlocked. He said he would “rather die” than delete his tweet condemning LGBTQ+ craziness.

Peterson refused to back down…

Catherine Salgado | July 5, 2022

Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei took a brief respite from attempting to incite violence against America and Israel to call for more censorship of alleged “false claims” online.

Ayatollah Khamenei, supreme leader of the terrorist-supporting…

Catherine Salgado | July 1, 2022

California is moving forward with legislation to silence any doctor who deviates from a state-sanctioned narrative on COVID-19.

The California Senate Business, Professions, and Economic Development Committee approved Assembly Bill 2098,…

MRC Free Speech America’s CensorTrack database hit another milestone as Big Tech continues its agenda to silence free speech online at a steady pace.

MRC Free Speech America has now logged 4,000 cases of censorship in MRC’s unique…