Catherine Salgado
Contributing Writer/Contractor

Catherine Salgado is a Contributing Writer and former Staff Writer/Researcher with MRC Free Speech America. She also has a column, Washington's Bayonette, on The Rogue Review and her own SubStack newsletter, Pro Deo et Libertate. Catherine previously wrote for The National Pulse and is a graduate of Christendom College with a degree in Classical Languages and Theology. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review.

Catherine Salgado | December 7, 2022

“[E]verything we find will be released,” new Twitter owner Elon Musk assured Americans, after co-founder and former CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey, who oversaw the massive Hunter Biden laptop censorship scandal, called for the Twitter censorship…

Catherine Salgado | December 7, 2022

YouTube censored The China Show podcast, which was covering the massive anti-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) protests in China.

Matt Tye and Winston Sterzel were once the first YouTubers in China, according to their podcast description, and…

Catherine Salgado | December 6, 2022

The New York Times cited leftist groups to bash Elon Musk’s Twitter, claiming more free speech has led to a supposed escalation of “hate speech” online.

In its Dec. 2 article, “Hate Speech’s Rise on Twitter Is Unprecedented, Researchers…

Catherine Salgado | December 6, 2022

UPDATE: This story has been updated to note that NewsGuard's TV nutrition labels for six shows are available on its website.



Catherine Salgado | December 2, 2022

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state media accounts criticized Republicans and defended Democrats on TikTok leading up to the 2022 midterm elections. That would seem to indicate  foreign interference in U.S. elections—and it’s been happening…

Catherine Salgado | December 1, 2022

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) has obtained hundreds of pages of new documentation as part of his investigation into the Biden administration’s defunct Disinformation Governance Board (DGB), which had attempted to censor Americans online.
