Catherine Salgado
Contributing Writer/Contractor

Catherine Salgado is a Contributing Writer and former Staff Writer/Researcher with MRC Free Speech America. She also has a column, Washington's Bayonette, on The Rogue Review and her own SubStack newsletter, Pro Deo et Libertate. Catherine previously wrote for The National Pulse and is a graduate of Christendom College with a degree in Classical Languages and Theology. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review.

Catherine Salgado | December 29, 2021

Lawmakers from both parties want President Joe Biden to get involved in new tech legislation leading up to the 2022 election. This is a dangerous move for free speech, as Biden’s administration has explicitly supported increased censorship online…

Catherine Salgado | December 27, 2021

Now anti-baby-murder ads are “misinformation,” according to the radical left. Pro-abortion groups claimed that tech giants aren’t favoring their baby killing propaganda ads highly enough. The groups are also outraged that any pro-life ads are…

Catherine Salgado | December 23, 2021

A former police officer won his U.K. Court of Appeal challenge to “hate incidents” guidance from the College of Policing in a big victory for free speech.

Harry Miller had a complaint filed against him after tweeting allegedly “…

Catherine Salgado | December 22, 2021

The majority of Americans don’t trust many Big Tech companies with their data, especially on social media, according to a new survey.

A Washington Post poll found that Americans of diverse political persuasions largely agree that social…

Catherine Salgado | December 22, 2021

Shipping giant Amazon has reportedly banned ratings and reviews for a book by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the demand of the Chinese government.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government apparently became sensitive to negative…

Catherine Salgado | December 21, 2021

When Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen came on as a guest of leftist, pro-censorship New York Times podcast host Kara Swisher’s show, Haugen had one core question related to Facebook’s “misinformation” efforts: “Will they go far enough?”…