Catherine Salgado
Contributing Writer/Contractor

Catherine Salgado is a Contributing Writer and former Staff Writer/Researcher with MRC Free Speech America. She also has a column, Washington's Bayonette, on The Rogue Review and her own SubStack newsletter, Pro Deo et Libertate. Catherine previously wrote for The National Pulse and is a graduate of Christendom College with a degree in Classical Languages and Theology. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review.

Catherine Salgado | February 9, 2022

Republican senators slammed President Joe Biden’s FCC nominee Gigi Sohn during her Feb. 9 Senate confirmation hearing. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and others hit her both for her bias and for a “sweetheart deal.”

“Did you disclose that…

Catherine Salgado | February 7, 2022

Meta reportedly predicted that regulations covering online data could prevent the company from offering Facebook and Instagram in Europe.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, stated in an annual report for the U.S. Securities and…

Catherine Salgado | February 4, 2022

“Intellectual Dark Web” leader, podcaster, and top investor Eric Weinstein slammed the Biden administration for pressuring Spotify to remove renowned podcast host Joe Rogan from the platform, tweeting, “This is an open war on American Values from…

Catherine Salgado | February 3, 2022

Facebook ousted a populist group of U.S. truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates despite calling itself a “democratic” platform. 

Facebook “VP of AR/VR” (augmented reality/virtual reality) Andrew Bosworth recently called his platform a…

Catherine Salgado | February 2, 2022

Self-appointed online “credibility” arbiter NewsGuard rates several U.S. media outlets as less reliable than several Chinese Communist Party-controlled state media outlets.

Media in China is almost entirely under the control of the ruling…

Catherine Salgado | February 1, 2022

The debate over the bipartisan antitrust American Innovation and Choice Online Act just took a new direction, as censorship advocates indicated that one provision could protect the free speech of Big Tech-alternative platforms.
