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BMI Staff
BMI Staff | December 2, 2009

12 Days, 3 Networks and No Mention of ClimateGate Scandal President Obama will be at the climate change summit in Copenhagen next week, but the network news media are…

BMI Staff | November 18, 2009

Networks Ignore Alliances, Thuggery and Lobbying of SEIU Members of the self-proclaimed fastest-growing union in North America have started fights…

BMI Staff | November 11, 2009

New from the Business & Media Institute

BMI Staff | November 4, 2009

It's a maxim of journalism that newspapers are supposed to 'comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.' Yet there are few industries more afflicted by problems than the news business, and some journalists and their supporters on the left…

BMI Staff | November 4, 2009

Executive Summary

The pattern repeats itself - an industry in chaos, companies going bankrupt, thousands of workers losing jobs. It's time for government intervention. That's been the Obama administration's model for Wall Street,…

BMI Staff | November 4, 2009

Ford Had a Better Idea: No Bailout Ford stunned everyone with this week's announcement of nearly $1 billion in profit for the third quarter. What's more is that…