Autumn Johnson
Contributing Writer

Autumn is a practicing attorney licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia. When not working, Autumn enjoys reading, writing, playing video games, and spending time with her cats.

Autumn Johnson | June 6, 2023

A federal court judge asked whether President Joe Biden and members of his administration have ever read “1984,” George Orwell’s famous dystopian novel about government-ordered censorship.

Judge Terry A. Doughty, chief district judge of…

Autumn Johnson | June 6, 2023

A CNN Senior Political Analyst claimed to have the solution to end Big Tech’s censorship of conservatives.

CNN analyst and USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers claimed to support free speech with the caveat that Big Tech has a “…

Autumn Johnson | June 4, 2023

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is not letting Stanford University off the hook for refusing to provide information about how its Internet Observatory program “flags” so-called misinformation. 

In a letter sent on Thursday, Jordan…

Autumn Johnson | June 2, 2023

Amazon appears to be batting a thousand on failing to protect user data. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ordered the Big Tech giant to pay millions of dollars in two separate civil penalties after a federal court found that the company was…

Autumn Johnson | June 1, 2023

Hypocrisy abounds as top executives at Big Tech companies sign an open letter begging mankind to see the development of artificial intelligence as a “global threat” while continuing to reap the benefits of its development.

The Center for…

Autumn Johnson | May 31, 2023

In a TikTok update that should surprise no one, a recent Forbes report unveiled the Chinese government-tied app stores the personal financial information of creators on servers located in communist China, despite its repeated claims to the…