Alexander Hall
MRC Free Speech America Staff Writer

Alexander Hall works as a Staff Writer for the Free Speech America division of NewsBusters at the Media Research Center. He is also the host of TechShark, a show featuring weekly tech/politics stories, a joint project of MRC Free Speech America and MRCTV. Before his current position, he graduated from Saint Mary’s College of California with a bachelor’s degree in Communications.

Alexander Hall | May 20, 2022

A Meta executive reportedly forbade employees from debating about abortion policy, as part of the platform’s internal “Respectful Communication Policy.” The new policy reportedly also aims  to avoid creating a “hostile” workplace.

Alexander Hall | May 17, 2022

A reportedly top-ranking Twitter engineer was caught on camera admitting the Big Tech company goes out of its way to censor conservatives and has many avowed “commie” employees.

Alexander Hall | May 16, 2022

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos gave the White House a taste of its own medicine by asking the Disinformation Governance Board to fact-check President Joe Biden.

Alexander Hall | May 13, 2022

Billionaire and free-speech warrior Elon Musk skewered the mindset of Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) leader Nina Jankowicz for suggesting a group of elites should be able to “add context” to other users’ tweets.

Alexander Hall | May 12, 2022

Disinformation Governance Board leader Nina Jankowicz has a history of deriding the very concept of free speech when speaking with political leaders.

Alexander Hall | May 12, 2022

On the heels of a small victory for pro-life Americans, it’s worth a reminder that at least one Big Tech executive backed abortion with a bundle of cash. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg infamously donated $1 million to Planned Parenthood’s abortion…