Free Speech

Alexander Hall | December 17, 2018

Online media platforms are slowly taking away the ability for conservative-leaning creatives to have an income. Now, some social media stars are talking about a solution.

After the deplatforming of a famous free speech YouTube personality…

Corinne Weaver | December 17, 2018

A new study has claimed Russia’s online interference tried to aid the conservative movement and Donald Trump. There’s a big problem with that assessment. It comes from a left-wing operation that previously classified more than 11…

Alexander Hall | December 13, 2018

Liberal journalists have been throwing wild accusations at Facebook for enabling “fake news,” foreign interference, and “conspiracy theories.” Now even its own fact checkers are upset.

When Facebook first hired…

Corinne Weaver | December 13, 2018

Zeal for eradicating “hate speech” can go too far on Facebook.

Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, a leader in the Islamic reform movement, posted a humorous Christmas video on December 11 mocking jihad. He was then promptly notified by…

Alexander Hall | December 12, 2018

Liberal media companies from tech to culture blogs have united to deny conservative claims and to argue Big Tech bias is “fake news.”

The comments came in response to the Capitol Hill questioning of Google CEO Sundar Pichai.…

Alexander Hall | December 12, 2018

Republicans hit back hard at Google bias yesterday on Capitol Hill. Google CEO Sundar Pichai testified before Congress and tried to defend his company’s reputation against accusations of bias, censorship, and spying on Americans.

NB Staff | December 12, 2018

Google CEO Sundar Pichai tried and failed to fend off questions about conservative bias on the world’s most-powerful search platform yesterday. The House Judiciary Committee hearing included numerous examples of congressmen trying to…

Corinne Weaver | December 11, 2018

Google’s CEO came to the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Dec.11, but was unwilling to play 21 questions.

Five House representatives, from both political parties, asked CEO Sundar Pichai questions about Google’s…

Corinne Weaver | December 11, 2018

Google had a loud defender in the House Judiciary Committee — interestingly the company is also is his top donor.

During the House Judiciary Committee hearing where Google CEO Sundar Pichai was testifying, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)…

Alexander Hall | December 10, 2018

YouTube wants to celebrate its political bias. A whole year’s worth.

This annual YouTube Rewind, once praised as a homage to YouTube’s most influential creators, memes, and music, has become a left-wing politicized fiasco.…

Corinne Weaver | December 10, 2018

Want your liberal bias on the go? Then Google has just the thing for you.

Google Assistant is planning on offering a “radio-style on demand news” and it’s teaming up with liberal news outlets to do it. Audio news from…

Corinne Weaver | December 10, 2018

There’s a lot of money to be made in Silicon Valley, which means there’s lot of cash to throw around at election time. Guess who get most of that money? Democrats. By a mile.

According to a study put out by Business Insider on…

Corinne Weaver | December 7, 2018

European officials are not happy with Facebook. The platform has run afoul of their regulations one too many times.

In an interview with BBC, former head of British intelligence agency GCHQ Robert Hannigan expressed his concerns about the…

Alexander Hall | December 7, 2018

While the replacement for NAFTA may have many great aspects, it also erases the one key law that would protect conservative voices from being censored online.

Big tech censorship is one of the greatest threats to conservatives'…

Alexander Hall | December 6, 2018

The liberal media may be outraged by Facebook’s opposition research on George Soros, but the company’s board of directors is not. They defended Facebook’s decision as “entirely appropriate” following the billionaire…

Corinne Weaver | December 6, 2018

Threats from the United States to regulate Facebook are not the worst thing the company faces. In Europe, the social media platform is under attack as well.

A British lawmaker, Damian Collins, published Facebook emails which show the…

Alexander Hall | December 5, 2018

Libertarian TV personality and former ABC reporter John Stossel says Youtube placed age restrictions on a video he published about socialism. The restrictions were later removed, but the fact they occurred is part of a trend that concerns…

Corinne Weaver | December 5, 2018

Facebook is eager to contain “hate speech” violations. But the platform can’t seem to protect some users from foreign scams.

Wired ran a story on December 5 analyzing the rise of troll pages that are targeted to veterans…

Alexander Hall | December 5, 2018

Facebook has been criticized in congressional hearings for the practice of “shadowbanning,” allowing conservatives to publish right-wing content, but subtly preventing users from actually seeing it.

Over the past 24…

Corinne Weaver | December 5, 2018

Censorship on Facebook has reached a level of absurdity. Even seemingly innocuous Christmas images are considered too graphic for sensitive users.

A post with over 11,000 shares dating back to 2015 was given a blackout covering, with the…