Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | February 25, 2019

Twitter has claimed in the past that it does not discriminate against conservatives.

That’s just not true.

In the past five years, there have been at least 113 different cases of conservative, pro-Trump or anti-…

Alexander Hall | February 22, 2019

YouTube has taken decisive action to combat “any content — including comments — that endangers minors,” according to The Washington Post.

YouTube said it has deleted hundreds of channels and millions of comments…

Corinne Weaver | February 22, 2019

Some of the motivating forces behind the 2020 elections could prove to be sinister for the First Amendment and media outlets the left hates.

The founder of Data for Progress, a far-left think tank that endorses socialism and the Green New…

Alexander Hall | February 21, 2019

This past weekend, conservative author Rod Dreher and Daily Caller reporter Jen Kerns’ articles were both censored on the site. "You are not allowed to say on Facebook that Jussie Smollett carried out a hate hoax,” Dreher tweeted…

Corinne Weaver | February 21, 2019

Facebook is willing to take down pages funded by Russia. Now it’s facing the question about what to do about other state-funded media outlets like Al Jazeera, BBC and even NPR?

Facebook suspended three pages on February 15 ,…

Alexander Hall | February 20, 2019

Rebel Media host Martina Markota is the latest of many on the right to be financially kneecapped by liberal companies.

Chase bank has now shut down Markota’s bank account, much like how PayPal deplatformed activist Laura Loomer.…

Alexander Hall | February 19, 2019

Squirrel, Pilgrim!

Things aren’t going so well at the moment in the culture wars? You went all in on a hate crime that turned out to be a hoax? Your dignified Indian elder Marine veteran wasn’t much of a veteran and the…

Corinne Weaver | February 19, 2019

Google is engaged in partisan warfare. And it picked the liberal side, choosing to work with two of the most prominent liberal outlets in the U.S. — The New York Times and Washington Post.

The company detailed its efforts to fight…

Alexander Hall | February 19, 2019

Free speech social media site Gab is creating a program that will add a comment section to every website. 

Gab is a free speech alternative to Twitter. It is creating a downloadable add-on that will attach a comment section to every…

Alexander Hall | February 18, 2019

The U.S. and United Kingdom governments have funded an artificial intelligence project to target so-called “grossly offensive” anti-PC speech and “predict” when people will commit “hate crimes.”

The $2,…

Corinne Weaver | February 18, 2019

Foreign governments are preparing to crack down on social media monopolies.

An English House of Commons committee, the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, released a report claiming Facebook’s flaws were “risking the…

Alexander Hall | February 15, 2019

The man who served as an Obama administration Regulation Czar, Cass Sunstein, is giving more evidence that the left is moving to regulate social media.

Sunstein, who has worked as a Facebook consultant, suggested that Facebook and Twitter…

Corinne Weaver | February 13, 2019

Successful businesses boost the economy of the state. But should they be forced to share their profits with the state?

California Governor Gavin Newsom seems to think so. In his “State of the State” speech, given…

Corinne Weaver | February 12, 2019

Twitter wants to regulate the kind of speech that’s allowed on its platform. But there will be some backlash from those who are banned.

On February 11, Canadian feminist journalist Meghan Murphy filed a lawsuit against Twitter.…

Alexander Hall | February 11, 2019

Apple and Google have both been accused of enabling “gender apartheid” by allowing an app which allows Saudi men to track their wives or family and prevent them from leaving the country. 

Apple iTunes and Google Play both…

Corinne Weaver | February 11, 2019

Silicon Valley is full of opportunities for political donations. But a Soros-funded organization wants to make sure any support goes to the correct side of the political spectrum.

Politico reported on February 9 that major tech companies…

Alexander Hall | February 11, 2019

While the left is quick to sneer at conservative concerns about bias in the algorithms that operate major tech sites, they freely acknowledge the algorithms are biased in other ways..

Newly elected U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…

Corinne Weaver | February 8, 2019

Twitter has rescinded and apologized for many of its bans and suspensions of conservative users, calling those decisions “mistakes.” But they might not have been mistakes after all.

In an interview with podcaster Sam Harris on…

Alexander Hall | February 8, 2019

Illinois Democrats proposed a new bill that would allow police to examine social media history to decide whether people can buy guns. Conservatives at HotAir compared it to the pre-crime strategy deployed in the movie Minority Report.


Corinne Weaver | February 7, 2019

What happens when the front page of the internet is funded by the company that made the Great Firewall in China?

Reddit, the internet forum for communities, posts, and news, is currently fundraising to keep itself afloat, with a $300…