Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | April 10, 2019

At the Senate Judiciary hearing on April 10, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) grilled Facebook and Twitter on their censorship policies, especially of conservative and pro-life content during the Senate Judiciary hearing on April 10.


Alexander Hall | April 10, 2019

Freedom of speech and expression were under a full scale assault at a House Judiciary Committee Hearing, but Rep. Tom McClintock (R-California) came prepared with a powerful speech.

At the April 9 hearing on “Hate Crimes and…

Corinne Weaver | April 9, 2019

According to leaked documents obtained by the Daily Caller, Google does act upon its bias against conservatives in the most pernicious ways possible.

Daily Caller reported on April 9, that Google described two different policies in those…

Corinne Weaver | April 9, 2019

George Soros, Google, and the ADL all have something in common: they all take interest in “white nationalism” online.

Google sent an interesting representative to the hearing on “Hate Crimes and the Rise of White…

Alexander Hall | April 8, 2019

How long does it take for a liberal tech company to drop a lefty hate group? 

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported that the scandal riddled SPLC is no longer a member of Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council. An anonymous…

Corinne Weaver | April 8, 2019

Another Senate hearing probing into the treatment of free speech at social media companies is scheduled to happen on April 10.

The hearing, “Stifling Free Speech: Technological Censorship and the Public Discourse,” will be…

Corinne Weaver | April 8, 2019

The U.K. has begun tightening its regulation policies, at the risk of freedom of speech online.

In a white paper published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport on April 8, new guidelines were proposed for regulating the…

Alexander Hall | April 5, 2019

Google has scrapped an ethics advisory board on Artificial Intelligence after the outcry over the inclusion of a African-American conservative. 

The inclusion of conservative think tank Heritage Foundation leader Kay Coles James…

Alexander Hall | April 4, 2019

Black conservative Amy Holmes was called a “Nappy headed nigga!” on Twitter and when she reported it, she was told the racist attack did not violate the company’s standards.

Twitter has taken extensive heat for its anti-…

Alexander Hall | April 3, 2019

The world’s most-popular YouTuber is now under attack from the left. Liberals want to silence him and remove from YouTube because they claim he’s a “white supremacist.” 

In a petition signed by…

Corinne Weaver | April 2, 2019

Google has a tough choice to make. Make a small outreach to  conservatives and face a war with many of its liberal employees.

The Washington Post reported that more than 1,437 Google employees signed a petition to remove Heritage…

Corinne Weaver | April 2, 2019

Facebook has tried to filter out what it considers to be “fake news” in many different failed attempts. Now it wants to try again.

In an interview, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated that he was interested in building a…

Alexander Hall | April 2, 2019

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s call for regulation wasn’t well received by FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr.

Zuckerberg urged governments get involved navigating the issues of “harmful content, election integrity, privacy…

Alexander Hall | April 1, 2019

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called for government regulation to meet the challenges of “harmful content, election integrity, privacy and data portability,” in a Washington Post op-ed on March 30. In the piece, Zuckerberg stated that…

Corinne Weaver | April 1, 2019

Twitter has tried again to silence voices of the pro-life movement.

The page for the film Unplanned was suspended on Twitter on March 30 by mistake, if Twitter is to be believed. The account, which at the time had 40,000 followers, was…

Alexander Hall | March 29, 2019

Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri and his allies are putting Big Tech companies on notice for collaborating with a foreign power.

Hawley’s own website features video and transcript of his exchange with Chairman of the Joint…

Alexander Hall | March 28, 2019

A software engineer at Google has made another devastating reveal of Google’s liberal bias.

Mike Wacker leaked two pages of far-left dogma on race, privilege, and sexuality published in Google’s Allyship 101 “diversity…

Corinne Weaver | March 28, 2019

The liberal media have long pushed Twitter to silence President Donald Trump. After much pressure, the company is considering giving them what they want.

In the Washington Post, Twitter’s head of Trust and Safety Vijaya Gadde said…

Corinne Weaver | March 28, 2019

Social media companies are changing the definition of what counts as “hate speech” by the day.

In a new blog post, Facebook announced that it was “Standing Against Hate,” by increasing the amount of content that…

Alexander Hall | March 27, 2019

Google’s new gaming platform comes with a big hitch — more censorship.

Google has announced the launch of Stadia, a new streaming service that will allow people to pay to play a wide selection of games online. The goal is to…