Free Speech

Alexander Hall | December 1, 2021

Facebook has reversed its crackdown of searches related to Kyle Rittenhouse now that he has been found not guilty.

During a national wave of riots in the summer of 2020, teenager Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people in Kenosha, Wis., in…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | December 1, 2021

It’s Episode Fourteen of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about satire sites, funny memes and tweeting jokes … all of which Big Tech censored.

The Babylon Bee is a satirical news site whose slogan is “…

Catherine Salgado | December 1, 2021

The Walt Disney Co. is seeing red. Streaming platform Disney+ in Hong Kong reportedly removed an episode of The Simpsons that mocked Chinese propaganda about the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

Disney+ launched Nov. 16 in Hong Kong,…

Alexander Hall | November 30, 2021

Users, including numerous conservatives are hammering Twitter for unleashing a new policy that could destroy videos or images that expose the left to mockery or criticism.

Say goodbye to independent journalism that can actually expose…

Autumn Johnson | November 30, 2021

Twitter announced on Tuesday that it would expand its privacy policy to include media posted of an individual without their consent.

“There are growing concerns about the misuse of media and information that is not available elsewhere…

Catherine Salgado | November 30, 2021

If Gigi Sohn is confirmed to the FCC, it might stand for Federal Censorship Commission instead of Federal Communications Commission. Biden’s FCC commissioner nominee Gigi Sohn has an extensive history of support for anti-conservative censorship…

Craig Bannister | November 30, 2021

Twitter’s new CEO Parag Agrawal has said that the social media platform’s content censorship should not be restricted by the First Amendment and that Twitter should “focus less on thinking about free speech.”

In a Nov. 18, 2020 interview…

Alexander Hall | November 29, 2021

Liberal Twitter co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey resigned, but conservatives bashed his immediate replacement Parag Agrawal for potentially being far worse.

Agrawal has a history of odious left-wing commentary including this tweet…

Catherine Salgado | November 29, 2021

A win for free speech! The Colombian Supreme Court just ruled in favor of popular YouTuber Erika “Kika” Nieto, who came under fire after defending traditional marriage in a video online.

Nieto, who has over 7 million YouTube followers,…

Autumn Johnson | November 27, 2021

A scientist who routinely challenges the mainstream narrative on the COVID-19 pandemic said he was temporarily banned from Twitter.

Tony Heller is a geologist and engineer who uses the “same skill set and techniques to analyze climate…

Autumn Johnson | November 25, 2021

SendGrid has reportedly terminated an email account belonging to Revolver News.

The unverified account purporting to be Nadini Jammi, the co-founder of Check My Ads HQ, a website dedicated to “exposing” ad affiliations, asked SendGrid to…

Autumn Johnson | November 25, 2021

Wikipedia has asked its users to weigh in on the platform’s article discussing "Mass killings under Communist regimes."

The article discussed mass killings perpetrated by communist regimes throughout the 20th century, including the Soviet…

Autumn Johnson | November 25, 2021

Days after GoFundMe tried to justify its Rittenhouse ban, the platform is under fire for allowing–and then deleting–a fundraiser for the suspect in the parade massacre.

GoFundMe tried to justify its Rittenhouse ban after his acquittal,…

Catherine Salgado | November 24, 2021

TIME magazine may need to take some time off after defending a censorship advocate. Leftist activist turned Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen has become internationally famous for allegedly taking on Big Tech, and calling for more…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | November 24, 2021

It’s Episode Thirteen of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about how Big Tech is censoring users who stand with Rittenhouse, sympathize with him, or support the verdict. 

In 2020, during an anti-…

Catherine Salgado | November 23, 2021

Conservative Partnership Institute Senior ­Director of Policy Rachel Bovard slammed Big Tech censorship of free speech in a New York Post op-ed, on Monday. “Speech, as such, is no longer allowed on the [Big Tech] platforms. Just correct speech,”…

Alexander Hall | November 23, 2021

Grabien founder and editor-in-chief Tom Elliott slammed Twitter for using its unprecedented power as a platform to aid progressive causes. Twitter reportedly censored him for questioning the merit of COVID-19 vaccines, which have demonstrably…

Alexander Hall | November 23, 2021

Activists reportedly bullied Facebook into discriminating against white people and men.

At the same time, the platform is selectively protecting certain groups of minorities, a Washington Post story indicated. Activists infamously…

Catherine Salgado | November 22, 2021

“I’ve now received so many death threats I could paper the house with them, and I haven’t stopped speaking out,” Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling said. The renowned author said she has been doxxed on Twitter for not agreeing with the left’s…

Autumn Johnson | November 22, 2021

In the latest example of Big Tech censorship, Foundation of Economic Freedom Policy correspondent Brad Polumbo accused TikTok of removing a pro-Kyle Rittenhouse video. TikTok's reasons? Not surprisingly, they were incredibly vague.
