United Nations

Catherine Salgado | June 20, 2024

The head of the United Nations is pressuring governments to obliterate all online speech that is allegedly “hateful.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres issued a statement for the June 18 “Day for Countering Hate Speech,” asserting…

Nicholas Schau | January 10, 2024

With the climate-crazy legacy media touting their scare-inducing global warming headlines, it has become more important to advocate for truth and freedom.

This is what independent journalist Tucker Carlson set about doing when he invited…

Catherine Salgado | June 19, 2023

The anti-free speech United Nations just came out with an extensive report pushing for action—ie censorship—from Big Tech and governments on “disinformation” and “hate speech.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced on June 12 a…

Catherine Salgado | February 24, 2023

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) held a conference this week to develop guidelines it aims to implement globally that would restrict online speech.

UNESCO boasted Feb. 23, “The first-ever…

Catherine Salgado | February 2, 2023

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization continued its censorship campaign with an announcement of “global guidelines” in development to tell tech companies how to target “disinformation.”

UNESCO announced in a…

Catherine Salgado | November 18, 2022

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres just issued a statement calling for governments and tech companies to increase their censorship of alleged “disinformation” online.

Guterres called for more censorship during the Digital…

Joseph Vazquez | November 15, 2022

Leave it to Reuters to indirectly resurrect eco-extremist Dr. Paul Ehrlich’s hysterical “The Population Bomb” as the culprit behind the left’s struggles to achieve so-called “climate justice.”

Reuters published an asinine climate doom-…

Brian Bradley | October 18, 2022

Suppressing so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation” online about topics like climate change could whitewash the historical record.

That’s the core thesis of a piece published Thursday by American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

Paiten Iselin | October 7, 2022

Global elites think they’re smarter than you. And they’re actively working with Big Tech platforms to control what you see and say online.

A few weeks ago, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held a “Tackling Disinformation” panel.…

Joseph Vazquez | September 29, 2022

Conservative radio host Mark Levin ripped apart President Joe Biden’s insane climate change agenda that has hamstrung American energy production and obliterated billions in taxpayer dollars.

The Great One ripped Biden’s United Nations…

Jeffrey Clark | May 18, 2022

A liberal billionaire and former mayor of New York City is announcing a roughly quarter-billion-dollar push to crush coal production in 10 developing countries. 

Michael Bloomberg, a failed 2020 presidential candidate with a net…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2022

The UN’s latest climate change report tried to frighten the globe over melting glaciers on Mount Kilimanjaro. Just like Al Gore did in 2006 when he predicted those glaciers would be gone by now. The latest report warned they will still melt —…

Joseph Vazquez | November 1, 2021

CNN tried to sell a false headline alleging that a fraction of the world’s richest man’s wealth could solve world hunger. CNN’s story was headlined, “2% of  [Tesla co-founder and CEO] Elon Musk's wealth could solve world hunger, says…

Joseph Vazquez | September 7, 2021

The liberal media has to find a new way to keep its COVID-19 scare strategy going: Have “health journals” sound the alarm on the “climate crisis.”

The Guardian is leading the charge. It screeched in its story’s headline: “More than 200…

Joseph Vazquez | August 9, 2021

Run for cover! The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is warning that we only have a few years to save the planet — a nugget of fear porn the United Nations and the media have been peddling for decades.

Liberal outlet The…

Joseph Vazquez | April 26, 2021

Hoover Institution Visiting Fellow Bjorn Lomborg joined Fox Business to discuss his recent op-ed lambasting President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist agenda.

Lomborg’s op-ed called Biden’s agenda “unrealistic” and “implausible.” Lomborg swatted…

Joseph Vazquez | April 17, 2020

The liberal New York Times devoted two stories between Apr. 15 and Apr. 17, attacking President Donald Trump’s decision to freeze funding to the World Health Organization.

The effort attempted to insulate one of the…

Joseph Vazquez | April 9, 2020

The Washington Post continues to ruin its reputation by relying on a mix of a Soros-affiliated organization, the UN and the ADL to claim criticism of China’s handling of the coronavirus is racist.

The Post’s story is…

Alexander Hall | September 24, 2019

President Donald Trump described Big Tech censorship as one of the “new challenges to liberty” and declared that “a free society cannot allow social media giants to silence the voices of the people.”


Alexander Hall | February 25, 2019

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has proclaimed a new global initiative against hate speech.

Guterres lamented that “hate” is moving into the mainstream and has “poisoned” debate on migration policy. He…