
Joseph Vazquez | June 1, 2021

Forbes magazine has become a shill for President Joe Biden’s administration, and the liberal media are eating it up.

Forbes featured an image of Vice President Kamala Harris on the cover of its new 50-Over-50 “inclusive capitalism” issue…

Joseph Vazquez | May 21, 2021

The Hill used the old “Republicans have pounced” cliché to turn attention away from the disastrous effects President Joe Biden’s agenda is having on the economy.

The liberal outlet tweeted May 20, whining that “Republicans have pounced on…

Joseph Vazquez | May 18, 2021

A National Public Radio host tried to spin the atrocious April jobs report numbers by accusing GOP governors of pushing people to go back to work when jobs aren’t available. Fact-check: Millions of jobs were available.

NPR’s All Things…

Joseph Vazquez | May 17, 2021

The New York Times attempted to save President Joe Biden’s political image after a string of abysmal economic news plagued the administration recently.

The Times spun attention away from the gas shortages, spiking inflation and atrocious…

Joseph Vazquez | May 14, 2021

Reuters attempted to dismiss inflation fears after the disastrous Consumer Price Index (CPI) report was released by citing one of President Joe Biden’s donors. 

Reuters’ story on the CPI data cited Johns Hopkins University Center for…

Joseph Vazquez | May 11, 2021

Fox Business host Charles Payne told the American people what many in the media wouldn’t dare say: Giving people money to not work doesn’t incentivize them to find a job.

Payne scorched the haphazard predictions by economists and the…

Joseph Vazquez | May 10, 2021

CNN recently had a rough day when it conceded realities that underscored why President Joe Biden’s stimulus monstrosity was proving to be a disaster for the economy.

CNN co-anchor Brianna Keilar admitted that a “debate erupted this week…

Joseph Vazquez | April 1, 2021

How appropriate! The New York Times filled its April Fools Day front-page with puff stories praising President Joe Biden’s leftist economic agenda.

Four Times stories dominated the front page with headlines promoting Biden’s disastrous…

Joseph Vazquez | March 17, 2021

Economic adviser to late President Ronald Reagan Arthur Laffer joined Fox Business yesterday to dismantle the nutty economic thinking behind President Joe Biden’s leftist tax agenda.

Fox Business host Larry Kudlow asked Laffer if…

Joseph Vazquez | March 11, 2021

An economist ripped the media for pushing the false idea that Democratic administrations are better for the U.S. economy than GOP administrations.

New York Times senior writer David Leonhardt had written that Democratic administrations…

Joseph Vazquez | February 24, 2021

Fox Business host Stuart Varney ripped the draconian lockdowns inflicted by states in the U.S. in an editorialized segment of his show.

Varney didn’t mince words when he began his segment with the following statement: “Enough is…

Joseph Vazquez | February 19, 2021

Big Data Poll Director Richard Baris slammed a CNBC economic survey arguing that President Joe Biden won an initial approval rating that topped the first ratings of the last four presidents.

CNBC’s recent All-America Economic…

Joseph Vazquez | February 8, 2021

One of former President Barack Obama’s National Economic Council directors shocked the internet by criticizing the enormity of President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief proposal.

Progressive economist Larry Summers argued in a Feb…

Joseph Vazquez | February 4, 2021

Three economists lambasted a New York Times op-ed claiming that the Democratic Party is better for the economy than the GOP. 

Times senior writer David Leonhardt’s main argument was that “The American economy has performed…

Joseph Vazquez | January 26, 2021

The Washington Post tried to push propaganda that former President Donald Trump’s economy was terrible for minorities. One economist set the paper straight.

The Post’s story online was outrageously headlined, “The Trump economy left Black…

Joseph Vazquez | January 4, 2021

Just the News Editor in Chief John Solomon didn’t let former Vice President Joe Biden get away with attacking the Trump economy, especially since several members of Team Biden have made millions from it.

As Solomon put it, new…

Joseph Vazquez | December 30, 2020

Leave it to the New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman to exploit the pandemic and dance on the imaginary grave of one of his oldest foes: Reaganism.

Krugman declared in a new op-ed that “The government promised to…

Joseph Vazquez | December 28, 2020

It’s a cold day in hell when leftist CNN concedes that President Donald Trump actually “won” anything.

But a recent CNN story was literally headlined, “How Trump won the economic message battle.” CNN Politics senior writer…

Joseph Vazquez | December 28, 2020

People need “immunity passports” if they want the economy reopened.  At least, that’s the crazy idea The Washington Post decided to push.

The Post published an insane op-ed advocating for this proposal by Vital Strategies…

Joseph Vazquez | December 26, 2020

Barstool Sports Founder Dave Portnoy exemplified the Christmas spirit by raising millions of dollars to help small businesses suffering under state-imposed lockdowns.

The “Barstool Fund” has amassed a whopping $6,687,624 with 60,…