Twitter Files

Autumn Johnson | January 5, 2023

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry says the release of the “Twitter Files” confirms that the Biden administration colluded with Big Tech to censor particular views online.

Landry joined Family Research Council President Tony Perkins…

NB Staff | January 5, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell exposed the enormous amount of cash that leftist billionaire George Soros spewed to buy influence in global media.

Bozell presented the findings of MRC Business’ second report in a three-part series exposing…

Autumn Johnson | January 4, 2023

A Tuesday evening “Twitter Files” drop revealed the censorship-obsessed Big Tech platform caved to pressure from Democrats and created a task force to investigate Russian “interference” in the 2016 election.

The document drop is the…

Gabriela Pariseau | January 3, 2023

The latest Twitter files show that the liberal media mafia, Democrat politicians and the intelligence community went on an apparent witch hunt to shut down Russian social media accounts, bringing Twitter to its knees and paving the way for the…

Paiten Iselin | December 30, 2022

2022 was quite the year for free speech. Before we officially enter the new year, let’s take a look back at the top seven best – and worst – free speech moments of 2022. This is not intended to serve as a ranked list, but to highlight the seven…

Paiten Iselin | December 27, 2022

While airing out Twitter’s dirty anti-free-speech laundry, new platform CEO Elon Musk exposed Big Tech for its routine collusion with the federal government as it attempts to censor Americans.

A Twitter Files thread released by journalist…

Autumn Johnson | December 26, 2022

Monday's drop of the Twitter Files revealed that both the Trump and Biden administrations pressured social media platforms to censor certain content related to COVID-19.

Journalist David Zweig reported the concerning news on Monday.…

Autumn Johnson | December 24, 2022

Saturday's Twitter Files drop showed that the CIA joined the FBI in contributing to censorship on the platform.

Matt Taibbi, who has reported several file drops, wrote in a Christmas Eve thread that officials from Other Government Agency…

Joseph Vazquez | December 23, 2022

CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy acted like a flunky for the FBI, throwing a conniption over Twitter owner Elon Musk’s revelations that the bureau paid the platform millions to “censor” Americans.

Darcy flailed in a Dec. 20 so-…

Catherine Salgado | December 22, 2022

The FBI finally issued an official statement on revelations of its work with Big Tech to censor Americans in the Twitter Files. The explanation? The people reporting on the files are“conspiracy theorists.”

Recent installments of the…

Catherine Salgado | December 22, 2022

Speakers from media, politics, and business alike slammed Big Tech censorship and corporate wokeness at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest this week.

Many of the conservative celebrities who spoke at AmFest in Phoenix, Arizona, emphasized…

Catherine Salgado | December 21, 2022

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec called out the damage wreaked by Big Tech censorship in a speech Tuesday at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest. 

“We are going to take this satanic machine that you have built to try to control our…

Joseph Vazquez | December 21, 2022

A radical group heavily funded by leftist billionaire George Soros has now been linked to Twitter’s FBI-influenced effort to squash the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

In his reporting on the seventh batch of Twitter files, independent…

Autumn Johnson | December 20, 2022

The latest dump of Twitter Files Tuesday revealed that the Pentagon used Twitter to influence public opinion about foreign policy.

The Intercept journalist Lee Fang reported that his publication and “a handful of other writers and…

Gabriela Pariseau | December 20, 2022

The FBI attempted to dodge the legal process and “get Twitter to share data outside of the normal search warrant process,” according to independent journalist Michael Shellenberger, who broke the Twitter Files Part 7 story Monday. 

Joseph Vazquez | December 20, 2022

It turns out that not only did the Ministry of Truth brigade at the FBI push Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, but it also reportedly paid the Big Tech platform millions of dollars.

Independent journalist Michael…

Gabriela Pariseau | December 19, 2022

The newest batch of Twitter Files shows that the FBI appears to have intentionally “primed” Twitter executives to censor the New York Post Hunter Biden laptop story after a months-long witch hunt for foreign disinformation on the platform.…

Joseph Vazquez | December 17, 2022

Twitter owner Elon Musk released another batch of Twitter files exposing the leftist Big Tech platform’s extensive collaboration with Big Government on its bloated censorship operations.

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi summarized the…

Gabriela Pariseau | December 15, 2022

“The censorship cartel must be dismantled and destroyed and it must happen immediately,” former President Donald Trump said in a recent video announcing his policy stance on Big Tech’s approach to free speech.

“Today, I’m announcing my…

Catherine Salgado | December 15, 2022

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey released his opinion of the Twitter Files exposing his platform’s biased censorship, admitting his serious failures around free speech, while still claiming a lack of “hidden agendas.”

Dorsey tweeted his take…