Tim Cook

Corinne Weaver | October 10, 2019

Apple has no problem being woke, except when it might cost the company billions of dollars.

Apple removed an app, called HKmap.live, from the app store after it received criticism from the Chinese government. People’s Daily, the…

Joseph Valle | August 8, 2019

Following the horrific mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, CNBC asked Visa CEO Alfred Kelly about the role of corporations in gun control.

Kelly condemned the shootings and called for legislative action on gun control…

Aly Nielsen | August 22, 2017

Giving $1 million to the conservative-bashing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) wasn’t enough for Apple.

It is matching donations by its employees and using iTunes to encourage users to donate even more to the SPLC, which regularly…

Sam Dorman | August 15, 2016

Before Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly revealed his sexuality, he received advice from CNN’s Anderson Cooper — who came out publicly in 2012.

That’s what Cook told The Washington Post in a wide-ranging interview including…