Sean Duffy

Tom Olohan | January 5, 2024

President Joe Biden came in for some heavy criticism when a green project his administration bragged about sank beneath the waves. At least two Fox News hosts and a president of a pro-energy company.

Fox and Friends co-host Brian…

Tom Olohan | December 28, 2023

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano eviscerated leftist climate propaganda pushed by elites during an appearance on Fox Business Tuesday. 

Morano pointed out the undeniable damage caused by climate policies on a Dec. 26 segment of Fox…

Gabriela Pariseau | December 16, 2021

Fox News contributor and radio host Dan Bongino told Fox News media contributor and former Congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI) that there’s a “real” and “huge” market for online free speech platforms. 

Bongino, a prolific user of the…