Paul Krugman

Joseph Vazquez | July 21, 2022

The New York Times opinion section actually published a shocking project where eight of their columnists admitted they were wrong about either economics, tech, foreign affairs or politics. At the top of the list was none other than “…

Joseph Vazquez | June 29, 2022

Clinton stooge Robert Reich has just as much of a sordid record in his coverage on the inflation crisis as leftist economist Paul Krugman.

The former Secretary of Labor tried to swat down any concerns that President Joe Biden’s gargantuan…

Joseph Vazquez | June 27, 2022

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman made another damning admission this past week about his sordid record analyzing economics as inflation continues to bite chunks out of Americans’ wallets.

Krugman conceded in a June 23 op-ed…

Joseph Vazquez | June 6, 2022

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman continued his downward spiral into parody by letting voters know he’s triggered over them blaming President Joe Biden for the inflation monster eating their wallets.

Krugman’s latest drivel…

Jeffrey Clark | May 23, 2022

The same wealthy New York Times economist who admitted he was dead wrong on inflation is claiming that stagflation is nothing to worry about. 

Economist Paul Krugman said that “inflation doesn’t seem to be entrenched; 2022 isn’t 1980…

Jeffrey Clark | April 13, 2022

The same economist who admitted he got “inflation” wrong claimed the economy is thriving under President Joe Biden. At this point, flipping a coin is probably more accurate at predicting the future than New York Times columnist Paul Krugman…

Joseph Vazquez | March 29, 2022

New York Times economist Paul Krugman seems to be a glutton for punishment to his already pathetic track record of atrocious economic predictions.

Krugman is back trying to gaslight Americans over the 40-year high inflation crisis — again…

Joseph Vazquez | February 15, 2022

New York Times economist Paul Krugman spewed bile at the so-called “vandalism” by Canadian truckers protesting the country’s draconian COVID-19 policies. He did this while dismissing the 2020 Marxist Black Lives Matter riots across the U.S. that…

Joseph Vazquez | February 14, 2022

New York Times economist Paul Krugman must be a glutton for punishment. He’s gone from spending months downplaying the surging inflation threat, to admitting he was wrong on inflation, to now dismissing it altogether as a crisis.


Joseph Vazquez | January 5, 2022

New York Times economist Paul Krugman is once again making a fool of himself by letting everyone know he believes that 2021 was actually a great year for the economy. Really.

His new op-ed, headlined, “Don’t Tell Anyone, but 2021 Was…

Joseph Vazquez | December 16, 2021

A tectonic shift in the world of economics has taken place: New York Times economist Paul Krugman finally admitted that his detractors on inflation were right all along.

The leftist economist surprisingly conceded in a new op-ed that…

Joseph Vazquez | December 14, 2021

The core indexes for U.S. inflation just continue to soar to the moon, while the media behave like apostles for President Joe Biden’s leftist economic agenda and spin bad news in his favor.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported at 8:30…

Joseph Vazquez | December 13, 2021

Following the Dec. 6 CNN report exposing President Joe Biden for trying to influence media to spin economic coverage to his favor, many have followed his demands and twisted the news of rising inflation.

Bloomberg News, CNN, New York…

Joseph Vazquez | December 9, 2021

New York Times economist Paul Krugman is the last person who should be complaining about the disappearance of maturity in today’s politics. 

Krugman exploited the death of former Sen. Bob Dole (R-KS) in his Dec. 7 blog headlined, "…

Joseph Vazquez | November 16, 2021

New York Times economist Paul Krugman appears to have finally admitted defeat on the issue of inflation, adding another notch to his belt of being consistently wrong on economic issues.

In a shocking tweet, Krugman conceded: “I got…

Joseph Vazquez | November 4, 2021

New York Times economist Paul Krugman claimed President Joe Biden has no control over the rise in gas prices. This, of course, comes after Krugman pilloried former President Donald Trump a year earlier for allegedly exercising the same control he…

Joseph Vazquez | October 26, 2021

The liberal media slobbered over how President Joe Biden could return the U.S. economy to glory. So far, their optimism has been a bad joke, and a new poll highlights just how badly they missed the mark. 

New York Times foreign…

Joseph Vazquez | October 18, 2021

Inflationary pressures on the U.S. economy are getting so bad that even The Washington Post acknowledged that media arguments banging the transitory drum are falling flat.

The Post economics correspondent Heather Long wrote a damning news…

Joseph Vazquez | October 14, 2021

Does CNN host Chris Cuomo know what satire is? He actually suggested that New York Times economist Paul Krugman — whose wild predictions of an economic boom are falling flat — makes him more intelligent.

The left-wing anchor brought…

Joseph Vazquez | October 5, 2021

New York Times economist Paul Krugman is rehashing a batty idea that former Daily Show host and comedian Jon Stewart mocked him for over eight years ago.

In a new blog headlined “Wonking Out: Biden Should Ignore the Debt Limit and…