Joseph Vazquez | December 16, 2019

In the latest example of corporate media leftism, the parent company of NBC News — NBCUniversal (“NBCU”) — is set to place NBCU executive Jeff Shell as CEO of the entire company. Shell has given at least $30,600…

Joseph Vazquez | December 5, 2019

At this point, it’s no longer surprising that the liberal media aren’t willing to give President Donald Trump an inch of positive coverage, especially when approval trends shift in his favor.

A new Dec. 2 report from CNBC…

Julia A. Seymour | September 18, 2019

After years of fiery preaching about a coming climate apocalypse, at least one media outlet took the religious fervor to new levels.

As part of NBC News’ new “dedicated” unit on climate change — “Climate in…

Julia A. Seymour | August 20, 2019

In just three nights of coverage, ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts spent more than 11 minutes talking about the threat of recession and economic worries mostly tied to one economic signal.

The main reason for concern was that the…

Joseph Vazquez | August 7, 2019

NBC News promoted a new idea to mitigate “rising seas:” build more icebergs with a fleet of ice-making submarines.

NBCNews.com reported the “audacious plan” on Aug. 6, writing “Designers in Indonesia…

Joseph Vazquez | July 29, 2019

Not only did NBC debate moderators give California Sen. Kamala Harris extra time during its June debate, it turns out twelve executives from NBC Universal and parent company Comcast gave her campaign cash too.

NBC was ready to…

Julia A. Seymour | July 24, 2019

So much for the Fight for $15! Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-VT), campaign created a PR crisis for himself after staff complaints that they were being paid “poverty wages” got leaked to the press.

That hypocrisy might have hurt him…

Joseph Valle | July 12, 2019

Wall Street experienced another record-setting day July 11, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 27,000 for the first time ever. 

But you would know little about that new record if you were watching the three broadcast…

Joseph Valle | July 2, 2019

The U.S. officially entered its longest economic expansion ever July 1, boasting 121 straight months without a recession beginning in June 2009. This broke the previous record stretching from March 1991 to March 2001. 


Julia A. Seymour | April 30, 2019

The U.S. economy grew so much more than expected in the first quarter that CNBC’s Rick Santelli called it a “whopper” and “really powerful” news on April 26. A day later, the news made the front page of The…

Julia A. Seymour | April 8, 2019

Given the very few job gains in February and rampant media speculation in March about a coming recession, it was essential that all three evening news shows update their audiences about jobs and unemployment April 5.

But not all of them…

Julia A. Seymour | March 28, 2019

A melting glacier in Greenland has reversed course, adding ice mass and shocking scientists. But since it’s supposed to be part of global warming, it’s “bad news” even when the glacier added ice.

When it was losing…

Julia A. Seymour | March 14, 2019

As if searching for a way to criticize the late 2017 tax cuts, the broadcasts networks aired a series of panicked reports about tax returns in February. Roughly 80 percent of Americans taxes were cut by the legislation, yet the broadcasts…

Julia A. Seymour | March 7, 2019

The World Wildlife Fund for Nature often appears in the news. Its experts and studies pushing environmental topics get reported. In fact, its Mexico branch was mentioned in an Associated Press story about butterflies March 6, just days after the…

Julia A. Seymour | February 28, 2019

How much would a Green New Deal cost? That’s the $93 trillion question some media outlets won’t ask.

New estimates suggest the price tag of the climate and economic ideas contained in the Green New Deal promoted by Rep.…

Julia A. Seymour | February 26, 2019

Socialism causes “hellish” suffering and desperation for Venezuelans. But there’s been a major failure by the broadcast networks in their coverage of the South American country’s economic collapse.


Julia A. Seymour | February 19, 2019

The stock market has been on the rebound in 2019, after what some called an “irrational sell-off” in late 2018. The network evening shows covered that “market meltdown” throughout the fall, but have spent a lot less time…

Julia A. Seymour | February 14, 2019

It’s been a week since Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., introduced a “Green New Deal” resolution promising massive government spending and no way to pay for it.

The president and…

Julia A. Seymour | February 8, 2019

Going “green” will require a lot of green, apparently. Two U.S. legislators have a proposal designed to require substantial changes to every building in the U.S., create rail “at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary…

Julia A. Seymour | February 7, 2019

Stocks “rebounded in spectacular fashion in January,” but anyone reliant on network news programming may not have noticed since the networks proved yet again to care far more about bad economic news.

ABC, CBS and NBC evening…