NBC Nightly News

Sam Dorman | August 31, 2016

Networks vilified a drug company and its CEO for the high price of life-saving allergy medicine, all while ignoring government actions which enabled the company’s monopoly, contributed to rising costs and increased demand.

Julia A. Seymour | August 11, 2016

Oil giant Chevron won in court again as a federal appellate court recently upheld a 2014 ruling blocking enforcement of an $8.65 billion claim against the oil company. But just as they did in 2014, the broadcast evening news shows…

Sam Dorman | August 11, 2016

When it came to covering issues voters cared about, the networks didn’t catch ‘em all, especially the most important one.

According to the Pew Research Center, voters ranked the economy as their highest priority in July. But…

Sam Dorman | August 9, 2016

Donald Trump spent more than 52 minutes laying out his plans for the economy in Detroit Monday. It’s an issue voters ranked as their most important, yet ABC spent only devoted 33 seconds to what Trump proposed.

Pew Research Center…

Julia A. Seymour | August 8, 2016

Once again the broadcast networks showed that when it comes to economic news, they pick news that makes Obama look good.

ABC World News and CBS Evening News…

Mira Ebersole | August 2, 2016

Food is so scarce in Venezuela that last week a group of starving people broke into a zoo and killed a horse for food. Burdened by government regulations, Venezuela’s economic crisis and its food shortage are forcing many people to leave…

Julia A. Seymour | August 2, 2016

The U.S. economy “sputtered” again in the second quarter, according to The Wall Street Journal. However, that “disappointing” economic news, coming on…

Julia A. Seymour | July 25, 2016

They call it a comeback.

It is true, the U.S. economy is no longer in the depths of what has been called “The Great Recession.” But, in many ways…

Sam Dorman | July 15, 2016

The media exuded panic surrounding the vote for the U.K. to leave the European Union, commonly called Brexit. Reports after the vote panicked over how much markets had fallen, worried about a potential recession for the UK and otherwise attacked…

Sam Dorman | July 11, 2016

Media coverage put a Republican face to the water crisis in Flint. The broader story on lead contamination revealed that Democratic mayors vastly outnumbered Republicans in cities with lead testing problems.

The Flint crisis gained…

Sam Dorman | May 10, 2016

Donald Trump’s rise as a presidential candidate has prompted many political observers to blame TV outlets for giving him historic amounts of free air time. While it…

Sam Dorman | May 2, 2016

The U.S. economy slowed down so much last quarter that even Europe’s economy grew faster. But if you just watched the broadcast networks’ and Hispanic media’s evening news programs, you wouldn’t have known that.

Julia A. Seymour | March 23, 2016

March Madness 2016 has begun filling up sports bars, lowering office productivity and bringing basketball and non-basketball fans together through friendly betting.

Sam Dorman | February 25, 2016

College tuition is like lunch: it’s never free.

But that hasn’t stopped the media and liberal politicians from claiming it could be. On Jan. 31, 2016, USA Today reported that some states were considering “free”…

Sam Dorman | February 18, 2016

A mosquito-borne “epidemic” of Zika virus has spread around the world from Brazil to at least 9 other countries, provoking concern from health officials and those most at risk for the illness. Millions of people could be exposed to…

Sam Dorman | February 3, 2016

When gas prices were high, the media pumped their shows with stories about profit. But when prices were low, those stories took a back seat.

In 2015, gas prices tumbled from a high of $2.80 in June to a low of $2 in December after a glut…

Sam Dorman | January 7, 2016

When it comes to raising the minimum wage, networks minimize balance and maximize bias.

After a year of protests clamoring for a $15 minimum wage, Christian Science Monitor reported that 14 states and several cities…

Julia A. Seymour | September 21, 2015

Pope Francis is kicking off his American tour and attracting attention not just from Catholics, but the liberal news media that love everything the pope does that they agree…

Aly Nielsen | September 9, 2015

Bernie Sanders is polling better than Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, while the liberal broadcast networks continue to downplay his extreme views.

A New Hampshire poll released Sept. 8, 2015, indicated Sanders had pulled ahead of fellow…

Julia A. Seymour | August 24, 2015

The downward spiral of China’s economy has sent U.S. stocks plunging wildly. The Dow dropped 1,000 points as the market opened Aug. 24, but stocks were rebounding by midday according to MarketWatch. MarketWatch reported that day, “…